Wednesday, May 25, 2016

~~ By The River of K.... With The Unseen ~

My decision is not new,since

I have learnt to decide, 

nor my inner self trouble,

since I have learnt to analyse;

it is easier now to get over feelings

hurt or saddened,painfully burdened-

I walked and walked and walked,

and thought…one more step and

I would reach the pure water spring,

brief known journey came to an end,

my feet touched Mother Earth-

it was a beautiful afternoon

there was a time I had transport in which,

I would be dropping friends,colleagues and their kids

that was my time, I could do that

that was my memory,this,my experience,

that came wafting touching the clayey frame, 

painlessly, then flooding the heart-

I stood for a while, looking,

as the water flowed,in the river

under the bridge, the vulnerable bridge…why are

bridges made? to connect? No. To break connections?

cannot say,well , just to pass over to the other end-

looking at the Korang River, for a while I lost

sense of time-the water flowed and I stood still-

water always did,it always will, sometimes high

sometimes low-I did not know where

to go, I did not feel the Earth under my feet

how long was I,present  in that small seat,

moments not long,but the last ever to be

I saw Nothingness staring back at me-

till I could no more see, nothing red,

till the trembling subsided,nothing white, nor blue..

Hey you? can I drop you?many cars

 passed, people stared through

the windows,unsmiling faces raced by

hurrying to their destinations. and why ?

a strange lady with a bag, changing hands,

shifting the load, had to be carried,

walking all by herself  looking peaceful 

but carrying a turbulent storm 

‘turn now,move on,like the river, be like

the bridge,connect and remain in quietude

I walked…felt numb, thoughtless with acceptance,

happy moments are brief,short lived,yet they come

leaving fleeting memories-

walking helped the heavy spirit but lightened

not the load…mistake mistake mistake-

‘you crossed the line-turn turn turn’

walk walk walk…till you can…

the sun came closer,

pouring love with its rays,drenching me

in a comforting warmth

Nature Loves us deeply, we know not…

I turned stepped on,step by step,step by step

distance unmeasured, no desert can be measured

deserted desert ,mirage unseen,

This is The Unseen

The Nothingness became visible,

 I walked -I felt Peace 

I saw the Unseen I saw Peace I saw love descending 

from above-then more -the resurrection, the road the river

and I were moving,walking flowing together

in the same…..direction

Monday, May 23, 2016

Toys Matter ~~- A Train-A Journey-A Vision ~

Played with cars 'dinkies' 
they were called
by their size so small
lined up all, at a station...but favorite
the train,putting all on track
set in cars bogies attached,no fall

the journey began, carrying the load
round and round the track like a road
going nowhere then 
but in vision,a future now in real

how toys play and play a part
 are they the keys from the start?

Saturday, May 14, 2016

POETS UNITED ~ Midweek Motif ~ Birds ~ I Wonder About My Soul'

I wonder about my soul
I feel I do have one as
I breathe, in my heart 
I bleed,
tender are my wings
and feathers but I
can fly high and see

but I am a visitor here
restricted as I tear 
away from the unseen
fetters of hatred-
posing as sacred, are 
the hunters waiting
to aim for killing

anytime now 'hey bird
beware, your soul is kind
your spirit free
do not be deceived , fly
hail begins,warning signs
fly above The Power
will hold aloft 
your love is not blind

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