Saturday, January 7, 2017

For POETS UNITED ~ Midweek Motif ~ Vision ~ A Vision Enchained ~

Image result for women in chains

Natures womb a home a life a love
emerging in pain,washed covered,
put away unaware, who held -
so warmly at first
fed  so fully at first
hugged so tightly at first

 born,a new born
unsafe insecure exposed
know not how many saw
caressed -more responsibility said
a heavy voice- same body,same blood
but not the same-
not the same - 
not the same- vision.....

pain...still there
abuse ...everywhere gangs

VISION ? of Sacrifice of intolerance 
deception degradation suppression
are you sure you are not a Grecian Urn
'Oh thou still unravished bride of quietness'

what vision lies in your tender perception'
what peace flies in variegated colors
what rainbows of unravel in panoramic arches
what bands flags flowers, salute in marches?

Vision of grace elegance honor? or
naked pageantry, with
thousands gazing freely at purity...
Oh World'  could it be Tarzan and Jane 

Look back and see The Holiness 
The Robed Truth The Unseen Belief

Real Vision would be white 
would be Light - bright in equal colors
contentment and gratitude in less
not more ...lessons of life manifest
'think 'Of man 's first disobedience '
would that ever go?

yet all is not lost-known is the cost
of Good and Vision of Peace is Wanted
and understood,,,,,,,,,,
or is it not so?


Jae Rose said...

Sometimes it is hard to see the truth of the world - this poem is brave and unflinching in its vision

Sanaa Rizvi said...

Real Vision would be white
would be Light - bright in equal colors
contentment and gratitude in less
not more ...lessons of life manifest
'think 'Of man 's first disobedience '
would that ever go?

This poem is so powerful!

Gillena Cox said...

you have sung the song of real and trying issues of woe, which hope and powerful action need to address day to day

much love...

Sherry Blue Sky said...

So nice to see you in the Pantry, Anjum, as this new year of poetry begins. I early resonated with this poem....especially love real vision would be light....and the longing for a peaceful vision which we so badly need. A wonderful write.

brudberg said...

I hope we could live by this simple vision... it probably starts with myself

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you All Good Wishes for you Dear Friend

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

we all need to make a sincere effort

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you so much Jae

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Sanaa I feel much honored..hope and pray ..poetry has some real effect too

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Dear Sherry Thank you Happy New Year to you and All at PU...I have been more sincere to prose but so glad to be back..may Allah help and guide me and all and may Peace prevail on Earth.amen

ZQ said...


Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Sir

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