Saturday, December 31, 2011

~Not the Last~

It is always the same day and night
darkness prevails before the light
Nature loves us in all colours
gives us perpetual favours
we count the days 
we say it is the last
each moment becomes the past
boundless open and vast
Blessings abound slow and fast
majestic evening descends 
as I too watch through
my resting room window
beauty merges and emerges 
it is not the last but just a cover
as the year end crosses over
colours, lights, birds and leaves
quietly doze off to sleep
 evening  time Nature's enrapture
as I click my camera,  to capture...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Agreement for Thursday Poets Rally Week 58~I Will Keep Calling~

Thank You Thursday Poets Rally for The Perfect Poet Award Week 58
I nominate  Poet:  Charlie Parant for a Poetry Award

I will keep calling as
raindrops  keep falling
you may pose ignorance
a dance in oblivion
a portrait , Promethean
Metamorphosis crawling,
An Odyssey of pride,
 the hearts deep recesses
 beauty’s sweet tresses
A love deep inside
Will only be restless
But with patience abide,
A time of Blessing
Snow keeps falling
Bells keep calling
Our Saviour is Alive!
Eyes cannot hide
The task Herculean,
Lo The Star descends
 affection transcends
With peaceful Love
And  reaches beside.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

In Response to~Jingle Poetry ~Gooseberry Poetry Picnic~Week~18~ Soberly Silently White

Oh The snow still and soft
Soberly silently white
Clean and fresh lying there
People stepping
 around with care
Loving its touch
Liking it much
Feeling extremely cold
But trying to be bold
Splashing and swishing
Branches bowing down low
Bearing the soft burden:
Oh, people passing close
The smoky breaths
The noses so red
Hands in gloves
Scarves round the head
The huddled looks
The long boots
The misty screens
All is white –no green.
Indoor hands facing the fire
Everyone in warm attire
Oh of what does one think,
A cosy bed and a hot drink.

Friday, December 16, 2011

In Response to Sepia-Saturday-105-Saturday-17-December 2011/12

Eid Ul Fitr  Meal   Day of Thanksgiving after a Month of Fasting called Ramadhan

Chicken Curry -Spinach with Lamb Meat -Rice - Fresh Salad-Curd- Chutney

Thursday, December 15, 2011

In Response to Jingle Poetry~ Picnic Week 17:Photos, Nostalgia, Memories, and Families

Just Yesterday
It seems in  memories
we read about the Great Flood

Just Yesterday
We heard stories
Of the killing and the flowing blood

Just yesterday
we suffered and tread
And crossed borders through ‘The Great Divide

Just yesterday
We played ‘touch the tree’
hopscotch marbles seek and hide

Just Yesterday
We drove around in
Chevrolet s Fiats with Jeeps beside

Just yesterday
we spent warm afternoons
lazing and building castles in the sand

Just yesterday
running for the ice lolly
at the tapping of the Cart man's hand

Today I look at
Photographs reflecting memories
Of moments good and bad

Today young or old
Memories happy and sad
In  photographs are all we hold.

Just Happiness or sorrow
Who knows tomorrow
So I tear and pile up
Heaps of paper, to be sold.

In Response to Bluebells~Short Story Slam Week 16~ Sweet Princess, There is Still Time~

Why did you  give me such a loving smile the first time we met?
I  keep asking this question and no satisfactory answer I get
And then we got talking so quickly and  soon our minds were set
And I knew from the start you secretly admired someone, you bet?

How many times from behind the wall you had tried to see
Who is it in the room  who might be in his or her company?
What problems may be faced what happiness may be embraced?
With whom are being shared biscuits and tinkling cups of tea?

I know how your imagination wandered in the vastness of the view
From dawn to dusk afternoon day and night and each day anew
Sometimes for hours thinking watching waiting assuming too
Sometimes catching a glimpse of what you each day wanted to

But as in life there is always a measure of torture and pain
There is more loss of  objects people and places than gain
And a history written read and always in talks and stories told
That if rules and laws are not obeyed all is taken away by rain

In  life time is such and days go by one has to hope pray and wait
Its all simple no tricks of trade nor means to imply or persuade
A path ordained to be followed with love work and eyes straight
To live to love  to cherish birds plants animals and all vertebrate

How true its not good to run away from your near and dear ones
There are dangers robbers kidnappers and crushers around in tons
No matter how brave strong and bold pretty daughters may become
its safer to follow the path nature ordained for each and everyone.

See how the ducklings follow their Mother and make a lovely family
No ugliness mars the beauty love and obedience in waddling on  merrily
They have picked the flowers and are showing the way home so rightly
Push away whatever keeps you fixed, the rain will stop falling shortly

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Poems of The Season~ The Clouds Call~

A spirit unseen
but felt serene
unspoken words say
do not fear, look up
and see the sky
  a light shines up high
your feet may be
heavy, on  ground
but turn around
and you will fly
in the  minds eye
pray with gratitude
be calm in quietude
and all will be well
at length, you will
   gain strength as you try
Darkness shields you
when you cry
Your Lord is with you
smile at the sky
 ‘which is it of the favours
that  you may deny’
I smiled and relaxed
as the car passed by
and rolled up the
dark glass screen.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

In Response to~ Poetry Picnic~Thursday Poets Rally~Week~57~Misunderstandings

Thank You Thursday Poets Rally for The Perfect Poet Award Week 57

I nominate Poet Emmet Wheatfall

Misunderstandings occur and
shatter thoughts 
unreasonable expectations grow secretly;
a shy smile, a soft giggle, a quick glance
unintentional false hopes build freely;
evil dances around perpetually 
colorful flashes engulfed in  sweet auras
mask truth ,
deception abounds continually
Helpless helpless more and more
I descend 
 stony emotions overtake gradually;

Monday, December 5, 2011

In Response to~Gooseberry Poetry Picnic~Week~16~I am Nothing

I am nothing
I am but a speck of dust
My life my soul my spirit
Is not mine
I am but a form
My body my shape my self
Is not mine;
I am but a sound
My music my note my tune
Is not mine
I am but a smile
my face my eyes, my looks
are not mine
I am but a thought
my idea my vision my purpose
Is for the Heaven
The Pure The Holy The Forever
I am, but  Love
Love that is just
I am but a speck of dust.

In Response to~Gooseberry~Jingle~ Poetry Picnic~Week~16~ My Life~

A born refugee, I am told-
I crossed barbed wires to a new land;
It was a divided nation  an unstable station
for some time there was,  celebration;
but soon there was all, devastation
loneliness parting degradation.
I crossed other barriers,
I tried to make another home
I thought I was free-
I struggled through invisible fires,
I slipped on mud and mires
My faith only, kept me strong
Oh where do I belong?
My body will be dust my soul will fly
Will my Story find , a respectable publication?
'Oh Elementary My Dear Watson'
You should know the clue to the destination'
'It is all so simple-there is the solution
Lets leave the rest to someone else,
'Tis fate n' Joy,  let there be  Jingle' 'n jubilation'
To The Lovely  Gooseberry Garden,  is my dedication'

Friday, December 2, 2011

Poem of the Season~ I Plucked a Leaf~

     I plucked a leaf and made a whistle
I plucked another and breathed
in  the sweet scent of oranges
 I smiled at so many fluttering on the trees
  I crushed one fallen by the breeze,
 and raked away so many,
 and he said 'they mess up the yard
I said 'they have made me a bard'
 I admire the tree as it will by me stand
but he will never look up
 to see how tall it is how grand, 
if you look at the spoils
 you will never understand
 what is Gods Will ,
 and the Beauty of His Land 

Monday, November 28, 2011

In Response to~Gooseberry Poetry Picnic~Week~15~ Since Time Took You Away~

home is not the same -
since time took you away to your own,
you are special, you will always be,
for the love and care you have shown;
to my mom and me 
and to all
 around you known and unknown;
for the peace you would bring
to all arguments and all things;
you are special for all you shared
held my bags dresses books and spared-
stored and saved my weakening strength;
when you gave me time,
you could have spent with your friends-
thank you dear, May Allah make all amends
and Bless you with joy peace and love
from all ends,
of the Heavens and The Universe;
You are my precious daughter,
my life my soul I think of you always,
Always in my heart,  never ever to part.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

In Response to~Gooseberry Poetry Picnic~Week~15~ Winter Sadness

Sadness and sorrow 
fill my heart
When I see the leaves
 silently leave the tree
Without a cry without a sound
One by one 
they come to the ground
Rolling over and over 
they go round and round
The cruel wind has no mercy
Standing quiet and motionless
 the tree is  totally helpless
But bravely the loss it will bear
Without a sigh without a tear'
When Time comes in 
Winter Sadness melts away
Spring sunshine tenderly,
 will  awaken
 sorrowful sleeping Mother Earth!
Hark !
Do I hear the bluebirds  sing?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

In Response to Bluebells~Short Story Slam Week 15~ Changes Tell Us The Time~

Changes Tell Us the Time
 years that passed,
 months that were happy and decent,
 days we believe were recent
moments sad and terrifying;
Changes Tell Us the Time –
So much is lost- which I called mine;
 laughter, giggles and  shrieks-
 silent heads down and 'stand in line',
 innocent pensive silences,
 standing and talking against fences,
Changes Tell Us the Time,
In moments captured in pictures,
outlook fronts and fixtures
black and white color mixtures,
Changes Tell Us the Time
AH Changes tell us the innocent
unknowing mistakes we made
How much a symbol inspired
caused pain in the shade?
Changes Tell Us- Its Time,
Age, Beauty that must fade
Earth dug and ready 
where bodies must be laid,
Ah Innocent One, cut me no more
 for I bleed inside
For my errors and sins,
 I am paying and  have paid.

Bluebell Books: Short Story Slam Week 15

Bluebell Books: Short Story Slam Week 15

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Poem in Response to Gooseberry Garden~ Poetry Picnic Week 14~ I Thank Him

God sent you I know
Because I wanted you so
And I prayed to Him;
To send you as a friend, someone to share
Someone to care someone to laugh with
God sent you, I know
Because I asked Him to--
As He is the one who knows
He loves and cares
He is the One who shares
He makes us laugh and smile
God  sent you I know---
When I see you I see Him
When you smile I know He is happy
When you laugh I know He is smiling too
God loves us so
And I know He sent you
And I love Him, and I love you
I hope you do too, and I hope you love God ---
Please do.....
Since God has revealed you
 I know there is a purpose
I know, it is true, and there is a promise---
He has His way of showing His love
He can see us, sinners, from above;
I am Thankful for All His Blessings
If we stay on  His way
He will not leave us astray
I talk to Him, Thank Him every day
I am not alone in my room,
God is with me
And with Him, it is you I see---
And peaceful is the true company.
And I know He Gives ,yet takes away too
So I thank Him for life and everything
Till time will stop and no bird will sing.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Poem In Response to Bluebell Books Short Story Slam~ Week 14~

Am I a Princess
why so lonely
without luck
only friend
a toy duck;
soapy and foamy
is the tub
I want to cry
but tears are dry
no more water
in the tap
O Fairy Godmother!
Relieve me from stress
get me some water
and a fine dress
My Prince will come
Please help me
clear up this mess.
Am I a Princess?
If I think so
Then -Yes'

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Poems of Social Change~The Second Migration~

It was not across Aegean Sea
Nor with the swish of oars
Nor hopes or promises anew,
Dragging drowning drone
Dulled the mind,
All darkness in sight;
It was through nowhere
As time tore across bonds,
Separation sliding silent tears
Down the tender pale cheeks,
For the few young years
that memory will retain,
Will we ever meet again?
Oh why am I set, on this island?
The Golden Fleece I do not seek,
Nor a wizard on the yellow brick road,
For what Crime or Punishment
Do I leave, a land, no more My Land,
I am a born refugee of a divided nation,
Is this The Second  Migration ?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Poem In Response to~ The Poetry Palace Thursday Poets Rally~ Week 56~ The Silent Carriage~

What cart is this?
what Roman or Ancient Red Indian Shaped
carriage, royal or classic or roaming on the range
where the buffaloes run
where horses gallop rough
and race the stagecoach strange;
where for miles no soul can be seen
where cries of YUHOO , Hiyaah
sound in the valley
with snapping cracks of the whip;
where shooters hide in the alley
but now tis silent
still and cold, where is the coachman
brave and bold, no horses no reins
no travellers for the gains,
parked aside in red and white,
yet, its grandeur still abides.
'Away Away, no horses neigh
No oil burns the lamp, bright-
I do see a group huddled n hooded
rubbing their hands,long boot footed,
what plans , what journeys, what rides
A mystery masks the man in the dark
and so is the  silent empty carriage, parked.

A Small Stone for~~ Writing Your Way Home~Writers Writing~

writers write writing 
race with word time running on
win lose novel 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Small Stone for~~ Writing Your Way Home~Friends and Flowers~

Friends are like flowers
cool and comforting
in loneliness
in sadness
in fears
they come close
to support
and catch our tears

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Poem In Response to The Gooseberry Garden Poetry Picnic~ Week 13~ I Dream

I dream of a Place of Peace
But dreams are in vain
Time and again there is pain;
I was brought to a Promised Land
Created with killing, insane;
Where remnants of blood
Traces of flood,
Sensations of fear remain;

I dream of a place secure
Clean colorful and pure
But I am not sure
As I see
 the flying roof of a bus
As I hear
 the terrifying sound of a blast
OH how long is it going to last?
As I fear
One moment in time
May be so fast , before we know
And thus we where, no more;

I dream 
of a moment of hope,
Of a land where I may be
And I may for eternity, stay;

But now I say
at the end of the day
I don't dream any more
I am at peace for sure,
My childhood was happy
Truer than any dream 
and I
With good grace and gratitude
try to obey not to betray but to pray
to the Almighty The Gracious, and The Supreme.

Environment Stories & Memoirs: NAPOWRIMO--2024- A POEM A DAY ---30 POEMS IN 30 DA...

Environment Stories & Memoirs: NAPOWRIMO--2024- A POEM A DAY ---30 POEMS IN 30 DA... :    Today, we’d like to challenge you to write yo...