Wednesday, January 11, 2012

In Response to~Gooseberrygoespoetic.~Poetry-Picnic-week-21-childrens-stories~The Miniature Teachers

Perceive the ants
Toiling hard
Constantly collecting countless
Grains inside the Earth
Crawling in line,
Oblivious of time
Fearless of being crushed
Treading unawares,
Little creatures greatly great.
Presenting a lesson 
Of unity and discipline.
Engrossed in their work,
duty they do not shirk.
If so little an insect
Can be so perfect,
I regret so say, that man
Has still a lot to learn To earn,
to live,
 to give and grant
To work and work like...
The little Great Ants.


Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

work like ants, lovely concept.

Marbles in My Pocket said...

I agree! We could/can learn a lot from the tiny ant!

teri said...

Toiling calmly,to wait while pressing forward. Breathing in to exhale.

Freya Pickard said...

Brilliant composition!

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