Thursday, March 5, 2015

FOR Poetry Pantry #242~ For POETS UNITED ~ Midweek Motif ~ A Woman's Day ~ 'Know Yourself ~

created sacred beguiled abused
ordered bound accused excused
what woman's day means to her
she thought
what nights will make her scream
Day is work no escape
Night 'Love? No' Rape..
fears and fears of rape
drugged missing real or fake?

should she think of women famous?

those who are seen on history pages?

should she think of those unseen

pushed kicked thrown in cages?

 mothers and daughters in frustration

yet manage homes and serve nations

should she honor the saintly ones

who were obedient ordained 
should she mention those half
widows, widows of genocide
chained enslaved in perpetual pain?

or those maids forced to labour

or those who hold kids while 
parents dine and perhaps wine'
whom should she call 'mine'
standing serving  morn til nine-

and there are families royal

to the people crown so loyal
loved honored seen by all
that is not all.....

so many names graceful glorified
history remembers all sacrificed
she thought...cannot pick one or two
one in white covered one in blue-
East or West old or new...Oh

Athena' Wise One Help' if only I knew

What Greater Expectations than
Great Expectations, like Madam
Miss Havisham,
embedded secluded, on dusty
wooden gilded throne,
behind cobwebbed curtains,
Majestic Marvel, First Created,
Sacred, now rests transfixed
in false reprehensions,
As scattered clouds scan
and search terrestial to
celestial dimensions 
blinking intermittant flashes
Only to find twisted torments
blood filled swamps,
whirring swarms of discontents
amidst seas of colorfully placed flowers,

Supreme Sopranos burnt to ashes.
disfigured by acid or for some their
life snubbed out in tubs

Celebrating Woman's Day
If I may say..till woman gets 
real respect and love
may she stay protected and covered

Who will empower her? She herself '

fighting for freedom education
identity deliberately unrecognized-
in this land or that
it is in her own hand 

Be respectful to get respect and love

know yourself and your right
once buried alive at birth-now
Read about who you are -don't fight

may you be peacefully safe

and be forever Blessed from Heaven Above



Susan said...

Love. Tears. Speechless, but I'll be back later. Sharing!

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Dr Susan

Unknown said...

So thorough in your look at the storm that so many women pass through in their lives. We can only hope for brighter days for the women of the future!

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Hope springs eternal...Thank you Moonie

Sherry Blue Sky said...

A fantastic write. One of your best. True words...........women's lot is not an easy one, especially those oppressed. An amazing poem, Anjum.

Sumana Roy said...

"identity deliberately unrecognized"...these three very vital words say it amazing write Anjum.....

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Sherry your words encourage and inspire

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Sumana ...all know the place a woman deserves and yet...

C.C. said...

I really like the way you have chosen to approach this prompt challenge....very fitting for a day meant to honor all women Internationally. And your words, "abused, accused, excused" are brilliant and lyrical throughout.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you CC

Myrna R. said...

Not sure my comment went through. Sorry. I just said your poem is both speaks a dark truth and is also a beautiful prayer. Thank you for writing this.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

welcome Myrna and Thank you

Amrit Sinha said...

Your poem narrates deep and dark reality ... hope the world becomes a powerful place.

Susmit said...

An awesome write! The realities touched so evenly.

Bastet's Waka Library said...

Powerfully written ... unveiled and profound ...

Be respectful to get respect and love
know yourself and your right
once buried alive at birth-now
Read about who you are -don't fight

are rather a difficult formula to mix in some places of this old world, where being respectful is intended quietly obedient. I know where your going and of course that is the goal ... but ...

Thanks for writing this great piece ... much to meditate upon. Cheers, Bastet

Susan said...

I am so happy you posted this poem today! It's hard to pick the most meaningful line, as the entire Whitmanesque catalogue builds its effect. But this is high on my list:
"Celebrating Woman's Day
If I may say..till woman gets
real respect and love
may she stay protected and covered"
If only covering and accompanying and all the daytime things we did to protect ourselves worked. I'm a veteran of many "Take back the night" marches to raise awareness of the problems you note early on in your poem. We protested even the un-freedom of needing protection, the theft of mind-time and creativity such constant vigilance required. If Athena, Allah--the multitude of powers in one--gave the world a glimpse of what women could do if allowed to use their fiull mind and spirit--would it be awed and welcoming? Or would it incite new pressures to stip away the brilliant power? And I am well aware that in contrast to much of the world middle-class Euro-American women have little to complain about. Which is why we should rise up ....

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Dr Susan -

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you