Saturday, December 19, 2015

~ For Bluebell Books Twitter Club ~ Short Story Slam Week 35, Dec 17 to Jan 10, 2016 ~ The Winds Caress

Oblivious of all the innocent killing, endless pain, frightening fear  they sat quietly on the ground in a circle, they had returned to the saddened village after placing tiny bodies in deep dug out ditches, burying the giggles and the smiles,burying the laughter and the joy, burying roses just blossomed, the logs in the center were dying too, flames turning into small glowing pieces half ash and half wood, and then a voice was heard...the voice peaceful and low, the voice calm and patient, though the heart and spirit laden with grief, yet...yet, these moment must come...and so the voice said...

'I see Gods Love
in softly  flowing  clouds
soaked in moist softness
in mellifluous notes
seeped in the wind
in the twinkling shine
of the smiling eyes;

I feel Gods Love
in the tender touch 
of the wind’s caress,
in the rustling of the
blossoming tree's dress
in the chirpy twitter of
the morning bird’s address.

I hear Gods love
in the  friend’s silent voice 
in the  rhythm of the rain 
as it must gently descend,
in the changing leafy waves 
as Fall begins, winter appears
and life and breath comes to an end.

Environment Stories & Memoirs: NAPOWRIMO--2024- A POEM A DAY ---30 POEMS IN 30 DA...

Environment Stories & Memoirs: NAPOWRIMO--2024- A POEM A DAY ---30 POEMS IN 30 DA... :    Today, we’d like to challenge you to write yo...