Wednesday, October 5, 2016

For POETS UNITED Midweek Motif ~ Teaching ~ Teaching Is Not Telling ~

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Teaching is not telling- nor is it Trivia

There is a Call Noble and Great
Education is for All, Changed is the Fate
Ads are cool. Opening of a school….
Messages are reaching but WHO is teaching?
A hand was raised
A question asked
Ma’am who is a vegetarian?
If he is one who eats- veges
Then who is a humanitarian?
Ma’am our other ma’am said ‘Dates are not important!’’
Students said the board is not visible
It makes the eyes blink
I thought ‘does it make one think?
W James, E Thorndike, J Dewey or Maxine Green !!
How and what as…. is a Pakistani teacher seen?

SO       What to do…and How to Do?
That is the question Or .Has been….!????
To make Concepts clear
Know what you must wear.
To make your Teaching Plan
Not only Skim but SCAN.
 To Present! You must prepare
 Of Traditions Be Aware.
SO teaching is not Not Telling nor is it Trivia.
Teaching is An ART?
With a Picture you must start.
No worries if you have no Chart
When the students look Dull and Bored!
Draw a Circle and a Line on the Board.
SO   You see Teaching is not Not Telling nor it is Trivia.
Teaching is a Dance, it is Necromancy EH?
Put your students in a Trance!
You must cast a Magic Spell
To teach them how to learn to Spell!
With Spellings going all astray
An English Classroom becomes a SHELL!

Teaching is not Telling nor is it Trivia
Mainly your style of teaching will
Depend on the sort of person you are!
Also on the methods and skill!!!
Well- in language it’s a continuous ‘drill’
Whether ABC or P SQ 5 R!!!!!
If you can’t be a twinkling one
Be the Shining Star!!!
SO   Teaching is not Telling nor it is Trivia!
Well Hear Ye Hear Ye! Teachers of EFL
You may be well…
But OH the Poor Soul! of TESOL
In my country, Is about to ring the Bell!
The Consonant Diphthong or the Vowel
Day by day, is becoming difficult to tell!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

For POETS UNITED ~Midweek Motif ~ Bloom ~

unaware yet cautious
protection visible
in a masked thorn

smile on the side
why so quiet in repose
love embodied
profound yet in
complete solitude

few moments in time
when no words
formed sweet sounds
love’s intense symphony

and in two souls
silently merged
as emotions touched
and distance

the rose plucked
surrendered to
the hand that controlled
gave colorful scent

that its Destiny meant

Falsity, Thy Name is ...

I wished...
To go, to a place, just outside not far from home
I looked around there was no one, no one
to go with me...
I wished
there would be one,but I knew not who,from home
Its Ok! so I sat on the steps of the porch
and saw the sky so blue
so clean,not a speck or a crack or a line
till a bird floated across
leaving no trace or shade
then pieces of soft wool white and grey
floated silently, happily moving on the way,
changing shapes all along
singing a silent song
of peace in the air,just and fair,
how happiness floods in the soul
as truth manifests as so common so rare

and now I do not wish to go
but stay,for this is the truth that I need to know
if my faith is strong,the path is straight
No Falsehood is encountered  
I am good the place I am...
The peace is in me,the place,  in my heart
I need no start,no road,no way
when all the world through the eyes in the
mind and heart is all  around
Falsity thou hath betrayed -
So let us stay you and I and pray to
and praise the One  ,who made The Truth
and the Boundless beautiful amazing sky                                                                      

Friday, September 2, 2016

For POETS UNITED Midweek Motif ~ Conquest' - I Came, I Saw,I Wrote ~ What Was Conquered? Conversations With An Unseen Confidant ~ 2016


      One sunny morning after a quick breakfast 
     of hot tea with toasted bread and omelette 
     we set off to the Green  Hills, 
so close,so peaceful,so purifying so serene
so I am falling...falling short of words, 
so I will just fall in step 
the green KIA Classic,now quite used to
 become a ready-for-action,family friendly,
 performance inspired vehicle pulling itself
 comfortably  up the curvy road
allowing the guide to steer it to the top. 

Slowly the four wheeled green among the greens 
curved as the road turned twisted and went winding, 
till there was no road...we had reached the top..
amazing peace ,incredibly sweet scented pines,
needles carpeted the small open spaces
between the tall elegant graceful trees-
sturdy solid and powerful like Life Guards
fixed in the ground studded with large
and small boulders. 
Quietude could be felt. 

This, a conquest? a wish to be in serenity
 peaceful cool without fear or terror.
There are such places on this beautiful Earth.
If only we seek move and search...if only....

Great soldiers brave and bold came saw and conquered
rode over plains and hills,fought and killed and felt honored...
'Ah but that is not the real conquest' O peace seeker'
Oh who is this?  then what is pray let me know
Now that you have found and heard the voice of my soul'
'Listen,it is the power within you, in your inner self
the Power of Faith,the power of Will over Desire'
Let not your desires rule over your self'
'Who is a great conqueror then?
One who is able to control emotions,anger and hate
One who has learnt to serve others,with patience and love
One who has learnt to obey the Truth,the duties of real life
Above All One who has learnt that Giving and Forgiving'
leads to serenity green, eternal bliss ...
where are Alexander the Great Pharoah Ozmandias 
and King Odysseus of Ithica- so many more? 
What did they conquer? They came they saw they fought'
Others came saw wondered and wondered,pieces of metal
they found in sand and stone,the Conquering  Kings wore...
and all was history...all will be will be brown
Then all was silent.
I turned...I saw the trees, 'these will stay...I have to go'
My spirit free...a conquest of my self ...I wrote...
as raindrops turned into falling snow...

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

For Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Blessings ~~ Sound Sleep No Pain ~

 sound sleep no pain, on the fresh green grass
I have walked and lain,lush sweet scented

trees swinging gracefully I have seen,felt
 the sun with the breeze cool not too hot,

feeling alive after grief and sorrow,losing
dear ones,but getting more with morrow

eyes to read books and see,hearing music
of the spheres, birds gliding chirping

flowers smiling,children playing laughing
singing,joyful pleasures spreading, and yet

 there was day and night fear and fright
as I also lived with loss of speech and sight

helpless to help one with no help or sense
nor remedy for the agony that followed hence

life is a blessing with no shoes,if you have feet
to walk and legs to stand, a family to love

and prayers and grace from above, freedom
to write and food enough to share

then I may say that one is blessed, countless
graces are more than this,we cannot count

many we if there is  enough and 
life is not tough,add more chairs to the table

open the doors of your heart and soul
to truth honesty loyalty and enable

other lives towards being stable, give
and share and be grateful -Pray for All

so ye be more blessed before the final fall.....

Monday, August 15, 2016

For POETS UNITED ~ Poetry Pantry #315 ~ ...My Home Land Kashmir Bleeds

River Jhelum SRINAGAR Indian Held Kashmir

SIRINAGAR  City By the River Jhelum

Maha Raja's Palace Srinagar Indian Held Kashmir

My homeland bleeds , blood is black 
Freedom shackled Freedom fettered

my people suppressed, sprayed with
bullets, tear gas and pellets,scattered

innocents blinded youth martyred
women girls half widowed,dreams

shattered, Kashmiri Lives Mattered
Allah creates Life,Kashmiri Lives Matter, 

I am free but I should care, raise voice
 Cry Out for Justice, not merely chatter

O My People Fighting with Faithful Hope
with stones and bricks facing smoke,spattered

I too am in fetters, but not my heart spirit
and pen,I send my words of prayers faster

signs of freedom near, appear in visions
chains will break, as guns and flags fall

Truth stands clear and tall, white is black
Not long not long before Freedom is back'

This is the Fifth Generation of the Kashmiri People fighting for their Right to Freedom the Right to Vote, their Liberty from Indian Occupation,shedding blood as each day people are being shot with pellets,injuring the bodies specially the eyes.May Allah send help as soon as possible Forgive us all
and let the world be aware of innocent killing of young and old women and children...Hope Hope and Hope Lives ....

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

~ For Brenda's Wordle ~ 258 ~ Oceans Have No Borders'

vast boundless is the ocean 
sending in endless tidal waves small
and strong, fast and soothing
when the feet are wet one feels
like under a spell ...
but what is this spell? 
who sends this comforting call ?
Look! Look again as far as the eye
takes you, no end will you see
nor a break nor a branch nor 
a spin' who holds the boundless cup
filled so blue and filled always
so true,no spin no spell
coming in free, giving life well
as creatures dive and rise up...
swim float eat in their liquid
enriched world'
what trip can man make? sail
and race,dive and swim same
as creatures deep down
but no this is not for him
First life in water born,water is 
death,as he may drown
same water grave for many-
strange spell stranger smell,
smell ? can anyone smell life?
sinking sliding descending to
the bed,rotting dead,dissolved
rusted, some for admonition
some for make a trip
strong faith strong vessel seek
the truth search the oceans...
you will not meet any borders...

Challenge wordle words

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

~~ By The River of K.... With The Unseen ~

My decision is not new,since

I have learnt to decide, 

nor my inner self trouble,

since I have learnt to analyse;

it is easier now to get over feelings

hurt or saddened,painfully burdened-

I walked and walked and walked,

and thought…one more step and

I would reach the pure water spring,

brief known journey came to an end,

my feet touched Mother Earth-

it was a beautiful afternoon

there was a time I had transport in which,

I would be dropping friends,colleagues and their kids

that was my time, I could do that

that was my memory,this,my experience,

that came wafting touching the clayey frame, 

painlessly, then flooding the heart-

I stood for a while, looking,

as the water flowed,in the river

under the bridge, the vulnerable bridge…why are

bridges made? to connect? No. To break connections?

cannot say,well , just to pass over to the other end-

looking at the Korang River, for a while I lost

sense of time-the water flowed and I stood still-

water always did,it always will, sometimes high

sometimes low-I did not know where

to go, I did not feel the Earth under my feet

how long was I,present  in that small seat,

moments not long,but the last ever to be

I saw Nothingness staring back at me-

till I could no more see, nothing red,

till the trembling subsided,nothing white, nor blue..

Hey you? can I drop you?many cars

 passed, people stared through

the windows,unsmiling faces raced by

hurrying to their destinations. and why ?

a strange lady with a bag, changing hands,

shifting the load, had to be carried,

walking all by herself  looking peaceful 

but carrying a turbulent storm 

‘turn now,move on,like the river, be like

the bridge,connect and remain in quietude

I walked…felt numb, thoughtless with acceptance,

happy moments are brief,short lived,yet they come

leaving fleeting memories-

walking helped the heavy spirit but lightened

not the load…mistake mistake mistake-

‘you crossed the line-turn turn turn’

walk walk walk…till you can…

the sun came closer,

pouring love with its rays,drenching me

in a comforting warmth

Nature Loves us deeply, we know not…

I turned stepped on,step by step,step by step

distance unmeasured, no desert can be measured

deserted desert ,mirage unseen,

This is The Unseen

The Nothingness became visible,

 I walked -I felt Peace 

I saw the Unseen I saw Peace I saw love descending 

from above-then more -the resurrection, the road the river

and I were moving,walking flowing together

in the same…..direction

Monday, May 23, 2016

Toys Matter ~~- A Train-A Journey-A Vision ~

Played with cars 'dinkies' 
they were called
by their size so small
lined up all, at a station...but favorite
the train,putting all on track
set in cars bogies attached,no fall

the journey began, carrying the load
round and round the track like a road
going nowhere then 
but in vision,a future now in real

how toys play and play a part
 are they the keys from the start?

Saturday, May 14, 2016

POETS UNITED ~ Midweek Motif ~ Birds ~ I Wonder About My Soul'

I wonder about my soul
I feel I do have one as
I breathe, in my heart 
I bleed,
tender are my wings
and feathers but I
can fly high and see

but I am a visitor here
restricted as I tear 
away from the unseen
fetters of hatred-
posing as sacred, are 
the hunters waiting
to aim for killing

anytime now 'hey bird
beware, your soul is kind
your spirit free
do not be deceived , fly
hail begins,warning signs
fly above The Power
will hold aloft 
your love is not blind

Sunday, April 17, 2016

~It Carries Load ~

it carries load,loaded with forms slumped
dumped,racing on set tracks,speeding on steel
hissing sounds of steam I hear,burning heat of coal,I feel
where dost thou take me? my new quest stirs the spirit...
peace strikes the sight but tears further the injured  soul

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Wither Lost Is The Peaceful Chord ? Heavens Are Silent So.....

wither has the music gone
the music that created peace
wither have the people gone
that comforted with peace

wither has the language gone
that sounded love and joy

why mornings are sorrowful
dull grey blue and mournful
what are these sounds we hear?
or we do not hear, lost in fear
why are we, green and queer
frowning staring giggling jeer'

the Heavens are quiet saddened
celestial spheres are quietened
no melodies nor symphonies 
fill the  majestic vaults-silenced

Forgiveness fills my heart and soul
That I must beg and offer, whole
for all times that I have in darkness
been ,The Lord still Merciful has been

If music be the peace of life
please let it return in  peace
supreme, for purposes pure
love and goodness secure


Monday, February 29, 2016

On Waking I Found A Day

I woke up at nine
only to find
no electric current in line
but at least the laptop 
had light,made my day
more bright,happy and
I could wish someone else
too to Have a nice day'
and a Happy Birthday'
Thinking of you in
this quietude while some
are crying,some relieved at
a hanging within time
yesterday gone had its own
fears of discipline and the
but we should know
we should have known'
and so no one can call
a day or a moment
your own your very own

Thursday, February 11, 2016

~ It Will Never Be.....

It will never be peaceful until we talk about making peace.

It will never prevail until we make ourselves calm

It will never be the way of stillness until we practice

It will never become tolerant until we share

It will never be quiet until we speak well

It will never be until we learn values of goodness…

It will all keep moving rolling turning into a mess

Friday, January 22, 2016

For POETS UNITED ~ Midweek Motif ~ Mountain ~ Haven for Revelation'

6- Have We not made the earth habitable?
(78- The Event, 6)

7- And the mountains as pegs?
(78- The Event, 7)

Southern Mountain Range of Baluchistan Pakistan.

high majestic rugged, 
never wrong
protector of faith 
fixed and strong

challenging stone
showing the spark
of the sacred call, 
saving all,in the ark,

shelter for meditation
haven for revelation
salvation for nations
sprouting fountains

glory is manifest
as pegs they rest
crowning grandeur
Nature at its best

Environment Stories & Memoirs: NAPOWRIMO--2024- A POEM A DAY ---30 POEMS IN 30 DA...

Environment Stories & Memoirs: NAPOWRIMO--2024- A POEM A DAY ---30 POEMS IN 30 DA... :    Today, we’d like to challenge you to write yo...