Tuesday, April 9, 2019

2019 ~ NaPoWriMo ~ Day Nine ~ Sei Shonagon-style list of “things.” ' Things Which Bring Peace' ~

Things Which Bring Peace

Reading the Holy Verses early in the morning

listening to the chirping twittering of birds 
hidden in the trees

sound of running water in a stream

watching the river meandering

eagles flying gliding high in the clear sky

music waltzes composed by Johann Strauss

watching fields full of tiny wild flowers swaying
with the breeze

hugs from my children and grand children

a loving smile 

and bowing in gratitude before the Almighty 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

For POETS UNITED Midweek Motif ~ Writing POETRY ~ Nature is Poetry ~

a tiny green leaf, a tiny worm crawling up a tree
trunk, struggling slipping moving up again, life
in its minutest form is beautiful
it inspires awe strikes the eye
touches the heart and soul
 when thoughts transform into words
it becomes the poem of  poetry

see the tree form a pattern 
see the colors of the sky
see the curve of the hillside
and follow the sunlight and the shade
through the valley across the glade
how dwellings are made
gardens laid and flowers planted
fragrance  embedded fruit granted
all these bright and beautiful things
are natures poetic wings

and so I pick up my pen
sometimes my paint brush
and try to capture the truth I see
the real as it is in light and hue
if I have the words I may do good
if I have the love and the feeling
and gratitude fills my soul
I may be a writer and a poet

for  all nature is beautiful in form and scenery
water sea land or tree
All nature is majestic ,all Nature is poetry

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