Sunday, July 17, 2011

Loneliness is a powerful thing
to write about.
No one hears
even if you shout

no one reads
                           there is doubt
Loneliness is a killing thing

lump in the throat

numb and afloat feet
heart sinking and
missing the beat
Loneliness is a depressive thing

It comes in a day
when a dear one is
indifferent and far away
with reasons unknown
what can one say-

Loneliness is a lonesome thing

it stays with the lonely
and makes them sing
when they cannot fly
with their broken wings.

Loneliness is a powerful thing
when it builds patience
when it fills emptiness
when it heals wounds

when it shows colors

when it reveals character

Loneliness is a powerful thing
when it does not come once
when it goes and returns
when it widens distances
when it cools the burns
Loneliness is the absence of response.


Anonymous said...

You described lonliness perfectly. Great job

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

true emotions..... mavi