Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Baker Street Inspirations~ Old Harley! Where art Thou?

Where art thou? With All Thy Grace and Treat

Where evening cool breeze would gently sweep

And the open spaces would be free and neat;

Where I learned to ride the bicycle and Greet

My friends who came out to meet-

Ah Harley Street! where art thou?

With memories sweet-

This same road where bell tingling tongas
With strong horses and shining leather reins

Would lift the learning loads and stay on the beat-

At that time, this same road was all for residents

No sounds, not even an innocent lambs bleat.

Ah Harley Street! where art thou?

So defiant in dilapidated defeat!-

YOU seem to be there still serving in retreat-

Though gone is the tar rubble crush and concrete;

AH Harley Street . All is not lost.

Courage never to submit or yield-

YOU have the BEST on YOU

YOU are replete with –Institutes of Education

Tuition Guidance and Dedication- But AH there’s the rub-

The cuts craters humps and dilapidation-

OH Lord, what are WE learning and teaching

in this precarious condition? That is the question-

Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer,
the slings and jumps of outrageous travel

The heart aches, thousand natural shocks

that the flesh is heir to-

Or to take arms against oceans of ditchy trouble

...err...err..err. rubble-

And by appealing begging imploring ,

“Please Sir , may we have some more” AH NO!

Or by opposing clean sweep them….

Who would bear the whips and scorns of time immemorial

The laws delay, the repairs astray, the rains decay ;


Do we continue to grunt and sweat under a weary life?

Or has conscience made cowards of us all?


OH Fair Poetess, soft you now , Ah There’s The Bump..OUCH…!

Oh Oh  Cantonment…’Who’s There?


Liz Rice-Sosne said...

You treat your subject with such beauty, beauty and gentility. This was lovely.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Old Raven.