Sunday, November 20, 2011

Poem In Response to Bluebell Books Short Story Slam~ Week 14~

Am I a Princess
why so lonely
without luck
only friend
a toy duck;
soapy and foamy
is the tub
I want to cry
but tears are dry
no more water
in the tap
O Fairy Godmother!
Relieve me from stress
get me some water
and a fine dress
My Prince will come
Please help me
clear up this mess.
Am I a Princess?
If I think so
Then -Yes'


Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

lovely piece.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

trying to find your poetry picnic entry,

Thanks for the support.

Happy Sunday.

e.a.s. demers said...

Nice one :-D

sunny said...

beautiful mam.