Saturday, March 29, 2014

For Poets United Poetry Pantry # 195 ~ My Pine Scented Home Town,

My  Pine  Scented Home Town,

          The last five miles are
           winding winding ways,
As the bus turns the corners,
I remember the winter days,
Home, home on the range
Reflecting autumnal grace,
Before you know, its  
Behold ! the town itself, reveals,
At its own, the evergreen stature,
          The Spiritual Presence of Nature
Majestic melodious mountains,
Blow the Highlanders March,
of The Hundred Pipers.
As early as cool February
As fresh as is the month of May
When Spring awakes
and apple blossoms call,
Soft snowflakes greet you,
Sinking and vanishing, as they fall;
Serenity intense, beauteous nature
 crisp and pure
White and sure;
Oh! Let me feast my eyes 
On the beauty of my town,
Breathe in the sweet smell of pine,
Oh! Let me live the truthful moments
While they are there
And let the freshness creep into my soul;


Brian Miller said...

apple blossoms...i take it they are like cherry blossoms which are my fav thing in spring...breathing in your town....def speaks to the connection you feel with it as verse...

ps. your link over at Poets U is not working...

Mary said...

What a wonderful journey to your home town. I like the idea that the freshness of the air creeps into your soul.

(The link you had put in Poets United was wrong. I have now fixed it.)

Sumana Roy said...

Nature is breathing in your lines ...beautiful and vibrant...

Natašek said...

the last line is just amazing.. mesmerizing.. and how you wrap it up...

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I LOVE this poem - the traveling to, the arriving, and those wonderful closing lines: Let me live the truthful moments
While they are there
And let the freshness creep into my soul;
So wonderful!

ZQ said...

Wonderful... I did catch a scent :-)

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Mr Brian Plenty of fruit trees grow..apples plums apricots oranges are the best...

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Dear Mary -my hometown has always brought freshness to the soul and spirit and health to the exhausted clayey lodging...

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Sumana

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Natasa I am honored and encouraged.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you so much Friend Sherry.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you ZQ

Unknown said...

Beautiful. You have captured the beauty of nature and the town so well in thesefew lines. Loved each bit of this.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Geeta I feel honored.