Sunday, August 31, 2014

For Kerry's Sunday Feature Artist ~ Kelly Letky at ~ Imaginary Garden with Real Toads ~ Was this the Road?

For Kerry's Sunday Feature Artist- Kelly Letky 
at Imaginary Garden with Real Toads.

It did not look like the 'road not taken'
nor did it seem untrodden
though silently deserted,
cranky voices of travelers
mumbling, walking slowly,
some with sticks some with bags
clothes tattered, soiled like rags
what wanderers, gypsies
or knights are these, perhaps
disguised, going where?
to unknown inns and places,
who will find the real traces
of cart and carriage wheels
dug deep ruts in mud and mire,
who will know Ye Olde Captain
smelling of rum and whiskey?
in strange attire-patriotic spirit afire
what sweet whistles and jingles
of keys and songs are these?
what rustling of maps and tinkles
of coins, of silver and gold
dusty and crumpled but preciously
held, as sonorously they stumble-
forward determined, some on horses,
lamblers, no racers, no hurry no worry,
they move and giggle n grumple,
no heroic braves may know
this was the way to go-
now all is quiet, steeped
in solitude, fresh and green
the scene changed from seen
to unseen, was this the road
that saw ten thousand men?
who brought grand glory
to Ye Olde England!


Kerry O'Connor said...

Your poem emulates the sense of a journey.. unanswered questions, highways and by-ways...

Sumana Roy said...

the lines nicely describe the stories of the quiet path...

Margaret said...

"steeped in solitude"… yet what a story they still tell. Reminds me of battle fields and some scenes out west (USA)…

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Friends Kerry Sumana and Margaret

mrs mediocrity said...

What a wonderful tale you wove here, filled with so many great lines and glorious words... and now you have given me a whole new way to see my road. :) I thank you.

brudberg said...

This seems to be the wide road.. there are lots of stories to tell from such travel

Helen said...
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Helen said...

Please forgive me .. I knew Kerry's poem was up after yours and addressed you as "Kerry."
I love this poem. Every word, every line. I am on my third read! Brava.

Anonymous said...

What a journey your poem took me on. Wonderful imagination here. Great job.

Susie Clevenger said...

What a creative response to the wonder what history walked along the road.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Helen its OK I am glad you liked the poem I enjoyed writing it

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Susie Your visit is an honor

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you so much

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Welcome Friend- this is the function of poetry to open new vistas perceptions and new thoughts