Thursday, August 21, 2014

In Response to 'Native Seed '


Unseen Chambers of life 
 felt only

unknown features of strife
welt only

sacred   duty  of a seed
birth only

all divinity all mystery
Beauty  only

Intimacy in distant space
invisible sense only

 Love in silence , heard 
in silence only 

Ah life, thou came grew lived to die only

One Known, One Truth,

One Power Only

In response to Poem 'Native Seeds' by Dr Susan Chast at POETS UNITED


Susan said...

Striking progression of oneness. One Power. Felt only. Seems like a big circle. I am happy that friendship sits in the middle of it.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

One is really fortunate to find friendship and more so if friendship sits and stays for ever- Your question where does Inspiration come from-one of the few sources is friendship -a strange connection that is positive encouraging and highly supportive -It is Life in the wider circle of the celestial sphere where it transcends the physical and reaches the invisible boundaries...felt only...