Wednesday, August 20, 2014

POETS UNITED ~ Midweek Motif - Social Good ~ If I am an Educator ~

Midweek Motif: Social Goods

My Choice  from Mr Mohandas Gandhi ji's 
Seven Deadly Sins of Society         

                                       'Education Without Character'

If I am an Educator
My talk and walk should show
My vision of where to go
In the future
My work should prove
My mission to improve
The learners
The beginners
The misled
I believe that our spirits
are not yet dead;
Just at odd moments I feel
Have I failed
The Message
To reveal?
The mist still floats 
At times with the breeze
Descends amidst the trees                 
Is it here to stay
Or is it to warn us
Of The Good Right Way?


Susan said...

Wow! This poem speaks for me and other teachers as well. What is our own character? How do we reach and stretch our students? Character is at stake as we open our futures!

Jae Rose said...

Sometimes we need a figure out the best way ahead..wonderfully lyrical piece..

Sumana Roy said...

I love this a teacher I feel the words are coming from a crystal conscience speaking directly to the makers of a nation...beautiful Anjum

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Sumana I believe Poets and Teachers are the real guides of great leaders writers who make a great nation

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Jae Rose

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Teachers are Guides and Role Models for the coming generations.I believe they need professional training and the best quality education themselves to justify their work in the classroom.Thank you we work and think on the same lines may Allah help and guide us amen

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I love that you are a teacher who exemplifies conscience and being a true role model. Wonderful, Anjum!

moondustwriter said...

I couldn't agree more - children look at teachers as role models and they will emulate the good (or the bad) that it displayed.
Thank you for your willingness to be a good model - best to you!!!

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Sherry

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Children often listen more to their teachers.I believe they are second Mothers too- most of the time kids are with them in school.I followed the school shooting incident in USA and was deeply grieved-I honor the Teachers who gave their lives to save lives.That was true exemplary character.

Myrna R. said...

My hope is that "the mist" will stay always. But we just don't seem to know how to create an educational system that teaches what's important. Glad there are responsible teachers though. And I'm hopefull we'll find a way.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Friend Myrna for your visit God willing education will show the best way to peace and learning and Teachers will always be the pillars of society.

Gen Giggles said...

If you wonder you are doing it right. Knowing one way or the other is not bad, but it can make you stop trying. Keep it up and very well written poem, I enjoyed it.

Unknown said...

YES! The example of an educator with patience, integrity and earned wisdom is the best!

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Friend Kim