Thursday, September 25, 2014

For POETS UNITED ~ Midweek Motif ~ Heritage Day ~ Ode to The Kaangarri ' ~

O Kaangarri, O sweet Kaangarri'
Thou empty cold Queen of Energy'
Unique symbol of Kashmiri Identity
Any Historian may relate thy graceful
warmth '
But why art thou so cold and quiet
"What leaf-fringed legend haunts about thy shape
Of deities or mortals, or of both"
What Attic shape -
under the arm 
you drove away fear
and kept one warm' 
yet now a touch of sadness I feel
Kangri O Kaangarri' How sweet Thou art'
what sunny winters thou hast seen
in snowy mountains clear streams, valleys green,
I long for, have never been nor ...but no, will be
One day we shall return -
'Karyo Manzar jigras jaye shamno
maa e masha ni -Mere Watan'
We will return to your heaven'
O Kaangarri' Thou art silent in grief I know
Your heart has shed all tears and so is dry
But we shall not any more cry
We have the Black Gold, Great Nature's gift'
That will bring you back to the shift
Thou art eternally blessed , a treasure to keep
No one may steal no one may weep
For '"Beauty is truth, truth beauty, — that is all 
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."
O' sweet Kaangarri' thou has thy beauty too
I have loved you' preserved you, I shall always love you'
A Kaangarri' may be described as a clay pot enclosed in a basket made of willow rushes,filled with hot charcoal.Used in winters to keep oneself warm for long hours, a Kaangarri is a mobile object , an excellent heating device and a unique invention by the skillful people of Kashmir.


Sherry Blue Sky said...

What an intriguing and practical object, must be so cosy in the cold of winter. And I can hear the emotional connection to Kashmir, in having this object.

Susan said...

An ode to this object and its purpose to warm is also an ode to its name and how it rolls off the tongue and an ode to Kashmir and your heritage. Such a lovely way to keep and recall the promise of return!

Gen Giggles said...

Well written poem about an object from your heritage. I like it.

Laurie Kolp said...

A wonderful poem and sentiment!

Old Egg said...

How often we look outward but often the most comforting things are the pieces of our past, our traditions, our true identity which is so clearly shown by the kaangarri.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Friends Sherry Susan GL Meisner Laurie and Oldegg

Jae Rose said...

What a wonderful ode to an item that really illustrates the comfort and warmth heritage can provide

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank You Jae-

Sumana Roy said...

this is a beautiful piece..a wonderful celebration...

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Sumana