Saturday, September 13, 2014

In Response to Dr Susan L Chast's Poem ~ School Teacher ~ A Teachers Thoughts ~


A class given
A class taken
A class controlled
A class shaken

          A lesson learnt
          A lesson taught
          A lesson missed
          A lesson caught

 Who to blame
 For time wasted?
 Who to praise
 For wine tasted?

  A day dawned
A moment inspired
Then sudden  shots  fired---
 so many young  expired.

Wither education desired
Why killers were hired?
Who so slyly conspired?

 Respected Pedagogy, 
Hardworking Soul!
Day and Night for the
Honorable Goal-

Your efforts are true
Your aim divine, you
are for All not one
nor me nor mine '

To Honor You is Best
You work more than rest
If students would care
They'd get A Plus rare'

so students in vain their 
classes may bunk
Grades strike the sight,
but characters are sunk


Susan said...

HAHa. You move from the great to the horrible to the sublime. All true.

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

Interesting thoughts

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank You -

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you