Saturday, September 6, 2014

~ Love in Doubt ~

Over the years I have learnt
To be soft and tender in 
my speech If I have to reach
The heart and soul 
of someone I love;

Over the days I have tried
To be patient and brave
To bear harsh realities and save 
my strength to wait at length
To let silent tears soothe my fears
Of The Grave and Lonely years,

Over the moments I have 
stepped back, to give space
To close my eyes and feel the 
serene face and tender touch 
of the Spirit I so dearly love.

Over my life I have drifted, 
along, with the flow
I came to know
I have to go and be slow
To move step by step
shed tears drop by drop,

Over my heart I found,
 nothing was my own
It All had to be gifted,
to known and unknown

Over my Heart I saw, 
as inside I bled
Outside All was black 
as the invisible was red,
love's return, hard to find,

Values virtues vanished, 
none- was really  kind
the more you cared 
the more you lost
No one would hear 
til it was a shout-

And with all your sincere Love
Your love was always in doubt.


Mary said...

Sometimes it does take a while for us to understand things, may even take us to understand things in a way we wish we did not.

brudberg said...

To be a kind and loving spirit - you also risk to be abused and trampled on. There's always a limit when it doesn't work any longer.

ZQ said...

A beautiful piece.

Sumana Roy said...

it flows like a sad song....nicely crafted..

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Friends -Mary Bjorn RK Garon and Sumana for your precious time and encouraging comments.

Anonymous said...

' And with all your sincere Love
Your love was always in doubt.'
This poem made me sad and thoughtful.

alan1704 said...

Powerful words and tears from the heart, beautifully written.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

It was written in sadness Thank you Annakindt for your kind visit

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Mr Alan