Sunday, October 12, 2014

For ~ Magpie Tales ~ Mag 241 ~ Confused Understanding ~ Captured Freedom ~

Can  image be different
 from reflection
or be understood from 
 verbal reaction 
 what words may write 
what thoughts show -
be true, if silence stares,
though with a smile,
same style,
transfixed in fetters
seeing through shutters-
confined in fashion
forced by suppression
what lies beyond the veil
what does cam- eye reveal?

accused by fears
undefined,brought to tears
unseen,chided for actions
unperformed, for sincerity
blamed unsafe sinner?

Natures multiple views
'exposures of skillful forms
despite restraints constraints
taboos insane laws 'n norms

Behold Beauty bright
in natural or artificial Light,
 to the left,at the back, 
in the center, to the right, 
Capture these moments free


Other Mary said...

You pose a great question with your opening lines, and your closing is something we should all take to heart:


Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Mary

kaykuala said...

Capture these moments free

One has the facilities and can do something about them. Still many refuse to spare the moment to record them which will be sent to oblivion otherwise. Wonderful write Anjum!


Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you

Silent Otto said...

Seen through a glass , darkly ...good one

Susan Anderson said...

Great ending! Thanks.


Tess Kincaid said...

In natural or artificial light...lovely metaphor...

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Tess

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Kutamun, Susan, welcome