Thursday, October 2, 2014

For POETS UNITED ~ Midweek Motif ~ Children's Books ~ ' Its Time For Our Bedtime Story' ~ 1 ~

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
what are you doing up there so far
Come down its so dark in here
Light up my room,so we can play

 All I see is my thin cloth doll
 lazy and sleepy as the toy clock
                           donkey, going 'tick tock' tick tock'                    
                              as I count the roses on my frock


The Dwarfs are waiting and so
 is Alice, Mr Rabbit hurried off
 in a hurry, Come Home Uncle
 Its time for our bedtime story-

Sister Sister wake up sit up
I hear the ringing of the cycle bell
Uncle is coming 'Count Dracula's
story he promised to tell--

and so it was before I could read
I heard about Adam and Noah's Flood
Count Dracula 'n The Killer Hound
on the Moors, Baskervilles, in cold blood.

Horror was exciting mystery surprising
spooky ghosts roaming in the cemetery
was good to hear,but then  Uncle went away-
lonely- I picked a book of pictures and poetry

Travels began to Treasure Island with
Long John Silver,one legged,one eyed
One wheeled, nothing was as it seemed'
all upside down talking singing and tied

Gnomes Fairies  and Gulliver I liked best
Giants and Jack and the Beanstalk green
then went to London to see the Queen
and asked Billy Boy' where have you been?

Time passed as fancy fairies flew away
Princes and Princesses came to stay,with
witches in castles cackling'n casting a spell
locked were Rapunzel Gretel and Hansel

I loved fairy tales poems and rhymes
and  I could read but books were restricted
Ali Baba Tom Cinderella were the topics
along with classics I read Cartoon Comics

Soon I was out of the fairy tale realm
Jane Eyre I read a number of times
found myself crying on the pillow
No more rhymes no songs to follow

Yet with time and many pages read
wizards elves rabbits are not  all dead
they live in my heart and sing and smile
help me write new stories in a new style.

all my reading has made up this poem
honor to Dr Susan and All Poets United 
keep reading, you too, a writer poet will 
be,and the world will surely be delighted. 


Other Mary said...

What a delightful trip through your childhood stories! There's nothing like a good bedtime story.

Amrit Sinha said...

Loved this fairy tale retelling ... brilliant :-)

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank You Other Mary

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you

Susie Clevenger said...

What a wonderful journey through fairy tales and your journey with and through them.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Susie this was a challenging prompt...catching the link to start took time...

Susan said...

I enjoyed your verses of titles and characters in action, but I am truly surprised that we read all of the same books! Did you go to the library weekly as well? And what language did you read these in?

Mary said...

What a feast of reading materials here! Loved reading all the books you mentioned, as they tweaked memories of my own childhood reading.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Susan -Pakistan has English language from KG as a Compulsory subject -My school was St Annes Presentation Convent and the medium of learning was English -The British Raj and The Gracious Queen Elizabeth gave us the legacy of English language-we had a class library and a regular reading period-I read Lone Ranger and Lorna Doone in comics

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Mary Alhamdolilah I got the chance to read many books -I am member of British Council and US Info Center Library here