Wednesday, February 11, 2015

For Magpie Tales ~ Mag 257 ~ 'Gift Me A Claymore ~

looked all around, 
kept chawing
not realizing that 
my jaw was tiring-

lor! just look at the floor
makes me all sore
O Lord please send me a 
Markhor, to nibble away,

and gift me a claymore
to slash clean the rough 
tough rubbish, enough
Enough' I say

It is warm, work heavy
I am weary and sweaty
Oh the vacuum cleaner
feels loaded and 'meaner'

upstairs and downstairs,hey
 what was that? I sway
the hose fell to disobey
Oh horror, my clothes ?

O machine' like the knave
of hearts-took them
clean away-there ended
my chores of the day....


Anita Sabat said...

Nice words, Anjum :)
Phew! So much house-work!
That reminds me! Lots of cleaning to do while I spend time to blog :)

Vandana Sharma said...

sometimes the way it tis with the household ladies