Wednesday, March 18, 2015

For POETICS ~ dVerse ~ Winds of March ~ An Icy Embrace

the moment we stepped 
outside the glass door
Lo we met , face to face

an icy embrace

sending shivers deep inside
coat collar rolled up,tight
pushed back against the tide

an icy embrace

we kept walking slowly
unseen force engulfed
pulled controlled coldly

an icy embrace

someone cried 'O Jesus'
and I knew how cold he
felt, as he bowed and knelt

to the icy embrace

O Aeolus thou wast kind
but Sleep conquered mind
Greed left All Good behind

an icy embrace

man must know this
is the best unseen gift
Nature's Power to uplift

Life in an icy embrace

cold or warm it is good
wind it is as understood
fly sail breathe,no falsehood


an icy embrace


Mary said...

This really chills me. An 'icy embrace' does not feel pleasant at all. Some really descriptive writing here.

Grace said...

The refraining line of the icy embrace gave me the chills but such is the reality of life ~ We embrace the good and the bad as the wind ~ Thanks for joining ing ~

Brian Miller said...

oh I have met that stiff wind before that cuts you right to the rushes in that open door coming right for you...and it makes for a nice metaphor as well....I felt this

brudberg said...

The winds of March is so often an icy embrace.. but what a wonderful bliss it is to find some lee facing the sun.. March has so many faces.

Anonymous said...

Brrrr - that cold embrace does makes one drop to ones knees. And loved bringing in the wind keeper Aeolus - very nice!

Anonymous said...

you've captured that icy wind - that stills love itself ( through icy hands )

burr... :)

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Dear Friends Thank you so much - this poem reflects real life experience of winter in the UK 2003 The prompt stirred up the memories and March has its variety of moods.

Anonymous said...

I like the repeated refrain -- though I'm happy we don't have that icy embrace happening where I live. Peace, Linda

Unknown said...

oh I love this... an icy embrace isn't always pleasant, but sometimes it is needed, so we continue to appreciate warmth.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Linda Thank you Anthony

Unknown said...

The repetition of the line, icy embrace...adds so much to this already descriptive poem. And it is true - in the wind there are no falsehoods! Hayes Spencer is Kanzensakura

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

powerful words.

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...

check out an award from poetry rally today, take it to your blog,
nominate one poet you know for week82, and have fun.

keep posting.
lovely blog.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Dear Pat Thank you so much for the award. I feel greatly encouraged.

Susan said...

Excellent! I feel the icy wind, the pull back and also the freedom of being able to be there in the icy wind. Congratulations on your reward.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you so much...loved your comments

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Dr Susan