Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Mindlovemisery's Menagerie ~ Photo Challenge #50 -Twister– March 3, 2015 ~ With Unmeasured Steps ~

With unmeasured steps
breaking twigs,overturning stones
stretching muscles, aching bones
at last I find a backrest
O Gracious Nature
Thou art peacefully calm
pure glassy watery balm
soothing my soul at best
Who else is here?
But You and I
Unseen in seen sphere presence
 in the the buzz of a fly

But then tranquility cruelly
pierced shattered disturbed
emerges twisting rolling rising
angrily wanting to sweep all!

Retracing with measured steps
my spirit feels so
wither have I spent time
waiting wanting wishing
watching sunsets...
wanting rainbows 
wishing by stars?

O Twister can you wait?
Hold on awhile, it's late
there may not be time to live
but there is always a moment
to smile love and forgive. 

Photo : Margalla Sunset 
By Anjum Wasim Dar


Anonymous said...

How absolutely beautiful, from the opening lines you drew me in and those closing lines such wisdom wonderfully done and thank you for joining!

Susan said...

Apt metaphor for life, including the prayer.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Dr Susan

Brian Miller said...

I find that same kind of serenity in nature...
though I do wish at times that the twisters could wait
though they too are part of nature...

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Nature has variegated forms-Thank you Mr Brian for your time.It is a great honor

Michael said...

This is a lovely poem with such literate images, stark and vivid. Well done I enjoyed your take on this image.

Myrna R. said...

Beautiful poem. I love the last stanza. May there be time to live and love.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Michael and Thank you Myrna