Monday, April 6, 2015

NAPOWRIMO 2015 ~ Day 5 ~ Emily Dickinson Poem...Variation ~ Feathers of Hope ~

“Hope” is the thing with feathers by Emily Dickinson

Feathers of Hope 

Flying lightly all over
feathers of hope hover
linger alive tingle the soul
stay without burden,cover
the spirit, awakening the heart
from time to time, warding away
danger depression sadness cold
storms in the turbulent seas, not
harming even a bird or a gull
but keeping the lull,cajoling Poseidon
for softness soothing mercy, nothing
ever from me asking or the entire humanity
but flying closer to all flying for peaceful eternity


Sharon said...

I've always liked Hope is the Thing with Feathers, and I really enjoy your variation of it. It really enhances the importance of having hope!

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Sharon - To be hopeless is equal to a sin'

Vandana Sharma said...

I wish such peace resides all over the world and the world becomes a lovely place to live!!