Friday, February 28, 2020

For Poets and Story Tellers United ~ Weekly Scribblings #8: Red Fruit Rendition ~ Apple of The Eye ~

Apples were always favorites
pomegranates difficult,expensive
though one of the best from the
Heavens,rare gems like rubies

in riddles commonly sung
one carton with yellow boxes
inside studded  garnet stones
power for body and bones
Cherries found in Northern Areas
fruit of cold mountain regions
tomatoes red eaten everyday,
fruit by season, not by day.

red blood oranges,  a delight
orange peels  be set aside

watermelons quite a mess
red plums best for stress

back to apples for all reasons
half full or semi red, Ah!

medicine vitamin C iron
or a pie, the best, apple of the eye


Helen said...

As the first born grandchild, I enjoyed that apple of their eye status until my sister came along eighteen months later! I enjoyed your poem.

Sanaa Rizvi said...

This is absolutely stunning, Anjum!🍎💝 I especially love; "red blood oranges, a delight/orange peels be set aside/watermelons quite a mess/red plums best for stress." Thank you so much for adding your voice to the prompt!😃

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

welcome friend Sanaa, you are a gifted talented writer poet, an asset for PU.Thank you for the great inspiration said...

Lovely, colorful poem, Anjum!

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

I enjoyed every detail, so lovingly dwelt on.

Rommy said...

It's a taken for granted favorite around here, that's for sure. If I leave them whole in a bowl on a table, they get ignored. If I cut up the apples and set them out on a table, they're gone in under a half hour. My husband was shocked that we went through 4 apples in one day this way. Sometimes we have to be reminded of the sweetness of those every-day pleasures.

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