Saturday, September 20, 2014

For POETS UNITED ~ Rosemary Nissan-Wade's Presentation 'The Living Dead ~Honoring Our Poetic Ancestors ~ Geoffrey Chaucer ~

'But it's medieval language. Are you tearing out your hair trying to understand it? -

Rosemary Nissan Wade's charming linguistic prompt blossomed all the rainbow colors in the fast turning brown of Autumnal graces. Ah Chaucer 'most parfit gentle knight' Father of the English Language, the starting point of  English that is global today a 'must read 'for all English Literature students Poet -of the 14th Century 'having God's plenty' indeed is to be honored for the greatest accomplishment of All Ages- The Development of English Language -I respect the Great poet and share these lines for Poets United.Thank you Rosemary Nissan Wade for reviving the Classic...  

O’ we begin with Chaucer G
way back in the fourteenth century
and that’s how English should be
studied discussed and understood
when was there a ’schwa’ or not
or just another ‘e’.
‘To be or not to be ‘
do we quote all this deliberately?
Poets poets poets and poetry
is all that we read and see.
From the Classical Athenian Greeks
to the shores of Roman Virgilian Italy.

I was a reader of Literature
of floristic  archaic aphoristic pithy
utterances about lean mean and murky
But Poets make people they 
make nations
build stations on high-here are the words
 of how the blades and swords
 brought life and victory;
Poets stay alive and keep alive Poetry
-No Poets are Dead but A Dead Society-

1 comment:

Susan said...

"But Poets make people they
make nations . . ." Wow.

For me this poem is a totally fun read. I enjoy the history and adore the end. I hopeyou will write a part two adding long read literature from non-English Pakistan and Kashmir education. Do you think Asian and Middle-Eastern nations are as effected by English literature and European translations in English as the Western world is?