Wednesday, October 15, 2014

For POETS UNITED ~ Midweek Motif ~ Trees ~ Hercynian Forest Tree Poetry Session ~

For this week's  Motif  of Trees and the question 'what was/is a tree to you? Is there one you miss or wish to meet someday? I take the opportunity to share a Tree Poetry Session being held somewhere in the Mysterious Hercynian Forest 

Madam Red Hood began her Introductory Speech 

     'Gentle Trees Leaves Branches Trunks and Roots,
 It is with great pencil pleasure that I am rooted here to open before you the cuts and streaks , chinks and bars, splits and splinters , shavings and bits of the strangest poetic expressions you would ever have pencil heard in your wooden life.
What happens with trees and their growing strengths, colors, parts and logs will be unraveled expressed and waved here today

Nature Speaks to Us-I believe 

Messages, silently to perceive
Time to Pray and not to grieve
Begin  Gratitude and Receive

Let the Tree Poetry Begin
I now present to you with great pencil grace…

Our Leading Lead Poet No 1PL...

1PL began the recitation...

I love trees and often watch and
 stand by them once I…,
I plucked a leaf and made a whistle
I plucked another and breathed
in  the sweet scent of oranges
I smiled at so many
fluttering on the trees-
I crushed one fallen by the breeze,
and raked away so many,
and he said 'they mess up the yard-
I said 'they have made me a bard'
I admire the tree as 
it will by me stand
he will never look up
to see how tall it is,
how grand, if you look 
at the spoils
you will never understand
what is Gods Will ,and
the Beauty of His Land-

 Applause....'well said'some giggles were heard then all was pencil silent...

Madam RedHood called 
2PL Begin please....

Well, I present my tree poem... 
Nature gave us honey bees ….
Nature gave us milky cheese
Nature gave us so much ease
Nature gave us enriched Trees
We grow up with them
play in up around them
sit share under the shade
fruit eaten, cut to burn them
can we really imagine the pain
we cause trees for our gains ?
'T is a loss, for see, here is, what is
taken away and what remains -?

A hush fell on the gathering...after a few tense seconds...

3PL please present your poem ~

Oh well, I may say
Trees planted rarely or
profusely  some sparsely
in unreal decorative pots
Growing branches spreading
shade, light and dark
cut brutally cruelly
entangled quietly naturally
ever in service nobility
silently suffering cuts...

Madam Red Hood spoke seriously,' Ah well, good tree thoughts...though rather now I would like to share my views on the most wondrous amazing creation of Nature, we all love as Poet Rumi  writes:

'Every tree and plant seemed to be dancing in love with the trees' 
And so here are my thoughts ~ A Hopeful Prayer ~ 
To 'Sidra -tul-Muntaha, The Lotus Tree...

Tree Tree Tree
O Sacred Tree'
where art thou
I wish to see
Up high in Heaven
you are
I can only reach there
 if I were a pure star
Tree Tree Tree
He  made thee
For The Best in many
Tree Tree Tree,
Where shall I be 
In time to eternity
If I plant thee ?

Will you take me?
O my dear Tree
If only you could fly
Up in the sky
I would never cry
But climbing on you
Would be a try
To reach  up  high
Tree Tree Tree
Teach me to read
And gain the speed
To be the best
Never to be at rest
To be good and fair
And to love and care, to
Reach Heaven up there’

 The poetry session continued  later in the darkness grew darker and the shadows vanished...forests have secrets and Hercynian Forest also had one, someone was hiding among the trees waiting for the right moment to...
                                                                               ©    anjum wasim dar  2014

Tree Poetry Session shared from the Novel Pencileeze Hall Forest Mystery
Author A W Dar
(unpublished-NANOWRIMO Winner 2012)                                  


Sherry Blue Sky said...

Wow, Anjum, a tree convention! What a cool response to the prompt! I love the references to having gratitude, to receiving, and the beauty of God's land. Lovely.

Sumana Roy said...

This is a great write Anjum...the humorous tone sharing the happiness and sorrow of tree-life...

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Friends Sherry and Sumana -the whole story is set in a forest and is supposed to move with a touch of humour as the characters are 'living pencils'...

Jae Rose said...

Trees give us pencils...and with this gift you well and truly explored what they are...lovely spill of words

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Jae

Susan said...

Thanks for clarifying the "pencil" adjective/nature as that adds a level of irony, pencils being made of the trees. Here, the living pencils are still attached. As I was reading, I thought the gathers were birds--Redcap woodpeckers and others who live among the ancient forests--so I got a slightly different meaning. I like the tale and the sense that it continues into a dangerous time, and I like how the script-like structure allows you to incorporate different styles of response (including one that Red Hood feels is too short--humor). You truly labored over this prompt! I forsee a musical theatre--these are songs!

Myrna R. said...

What an amazing write. I love it. You captured so many facets of a tree's life. I like that you reference Rumi and the ending is superb with mystery. How nicely you created this convention.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Myrna I am glad you enjoyed this Tree session -

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Respected Dr Susan Please accept my profound gratitude for the encouraging and appreciative feedback.Pencils are named after their own color. Red Hood is the Great Dame owner of Pencileeze Hall and is the protagonist-I feel honored when you say 'a musical theatre' I can hear the pencils 'singing' and flying trying to maintain their balance on stage-who knows one day this may come true...

Arathi Harihar said...

great write Anjum..i liked the way you have built the whole poem..beautiful

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Arathi

annell4 said...

Loved reading your writing about trees....!

Gen Giggles said...

Great story poem. Well written.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Annell