Monday, October 13, 2014

For POETS UNITED ~ Poetry Pantry #222 ~ The Last Glance at a Young Martyr ~

The Last Glance was time itself
as all have to go -they go
the body is taken, lifted and lowered
scriptures spoken and flowers showered
before that not a morsel can be eaten
as food is no longer needed by the taken,
all eyes are on the body so laid
fear in the eyes, tears on the face
this is a war bloody and barbarian
young old brave and bold,
all are shaken-

I too stepped in the cold room 
as close as I could and 
shivered and sweated as I stood-
silence so Holy above you I felt
Eternal sleep to the world around-
Freedom from the clayey cage
To a Higher Call a Higher Ground
The Chosen the Special the Best-
Heavenly Light enclosed as you slept
dressed in white complete shroud
You were under  Heaven’s cloud
In peace -may your soul always rest, 



Mary said...

Yes, "young old and brave and bold, all are shaken." So many awful deaths, and yes we hope that the deceased martyr rests in peace but it is so hard for those who survive him.

Priyanshi Dass said...

Very well written

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Yes Mary it is -this was a 17 year old A level student killed in a mosque along with 16 other children -by Taliban -one 7 year old was my colleague's (Teacher) son- great tragedy for all were unarmed and praying...

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you

Sumana Roy said...

This is heartbreaking sorry for your loss and I have absolutely no words for the bereaved family....hope one day everyone will understand the value of life...

Justin Lamb said...

Despite the scary, dark events surrounding this death, this is a great tribute to the victims of these awful acts.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you for your kind words-hope so too

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you