Thursday, October 9, 2014

For POETS UNITED ~ Midweek Motif ~ Exploring ~ I Walked on Pages ~

I walked on pages of literary history
and discovered poetry
I stepped on the stages of mystery
and discovered imagery
I gazed at the rages of fiery flames
and discovered slavery-
I lay critically ill in intensive care 
And discovered recovery
I stood  in the extensive graveyard
And discovered bravery  
I believed I prayed I discovered
 life is a test disciplinary

I see the Gates of Glorious Heaven
   I bow I praise The Highest Authority

The  Revelation The Truth
The Greatest Discovery


Jae Rose said...

Finding ourselves is a journey..sometimes we have to reach the darkest places to be able to find a light...

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

a self discovery in life...there is peace when the light is discovered.Thank you Jae.

rallentanda said...

Not everyone who is lost is found. You sound like one of the lucky ones. Nice rhyme.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you-It is All Allah's Blessing

Susan said...

Exquisite! A difficult journey at times, but it continues to openand surprise as long as you are an explorer. Thank you for this poem.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Welcome Dr Susan. The inspiration to write comes from Poets United Thank You for the encouragement and appreciation.

kaykuala said...

Nothing else beats Providence. Mainly because it is beyond physical. Spiritual strength is invisible but can move mountains. How true Anjum!


Sumana Roy said...

ah this journey never stops all our life...agonizing sometimes but rewarding too..a lovely write Anjum :)

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank You Friends Kaykuala and Sumana

Unknown said...

A beautiful and even solemn revelation. May that journey continue to take you into new horizons.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Amen. Thank You Friend Moonie

Gen Giggles said...

What a way to explore the world. I like it.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Mr Meisner

Vandana Sharma said...

Very hope full poem, in every circumstances we should never ever leave faith and courage:)

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Vandana that is true