Monday, February 9, 2015

For Hyde Park Poetry Palace ~ Thursday Poets Rally Week 80 ~ (Feb 4 -Feb 17, 2015) ~ O Sleek Saggital ~

I Nominate Poet

Alissa Meredith Jill Osborn Schapiro

Thursday Poets Rally - Week 80 -

My Valentine Poem

O' Sleek Saggital Pointed Princess
I admire Thee 
O' Thou  essential elegant element
 perhaps Herchel discovered Thee
 in the celestial spheres
 and startled even Great Quetzalcoatl'

O' Impartial Modern Medieval Marker'
I fully admire thee'
so influential sciential,you have
 great potential to draw the form

O' Lead Laden Vital 
I admire thee much
In royal grandeur I hold
in all colors behold"
friendly social and above all
nothing ever controversial

O Pencil Princess I admire Thee'
You are forever in my company


Abbey Michael Boyle Blount Fallin said...

sweet words.

Lotie Bollag Mosher Kloppenburg Romney said...

awesome nomination.

Malia Craig Tagg Lawrence Page said...

sweet imagery,
thanks for your outstanding imagination.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Friends Abigail Skylar and Malia ...your wonderful words encourage me immensely

Anonymous said...

a beautiful lyric, full of smiles and praises.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

welcome Sir

Anonymous said...

hi hi hi hi this is so lovely. A Valentines owest to your tools and the writer within <3

Anonymous said...

what fun spirit ....

Anonymous said...

what delicious poetry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

playful and musical lyric, well done style.

Anonymous said...

a beautiful song, ode to joy!
you rock.

Anonymous said...


Amrit Sinha said...

This is beautiful ... a perfect love story of a writer :-)

Anonymous said...

wonderful tribune...

Anonymous said...

lovely song.

Pamela Wilonski said...

Beauty and loveliness all wrapped up in one

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Oh How Wonderful to read all the lovely comments. I am delighted and much inspired.Deeply grateful to All Thank You so much