Tuesday, February 17, 2015

For Hyde Park Poetry Palace ~ Thursday Poets Rally Week-80 ~ Papers Piling...

cleared stacked and sorted
yet returning,efforts aborted
painful limbs strained back

mind and soul under a terror
attack' Ah' Papers in stack
smiling sliding distorted ...

leave them alone for a while
take coffee soup or ' chaye'
play a slow tune on wi-fi  

but well, Oh I wonder why
how does this happen I cry
tears drop feet swell hairs fly'

am I correct ? Oh English Dear
why do you create this fear 
Grammar error writing clear...

papers I love and pencils more
draw compose poems or prose
keeping all nothing to dispose

but soon the piles become miles
high or low up and down they go
it is all like a dump before you know

papers piling ...teacup smiling...
papers piling poems a calling...
The clock..tis 12 ...my slipper...

Poetry Palace ....I am coming....
Dreaming ....writing....falling


Susan said...

You speak to my condition! I have boxes of dissertation research from the 1980s that I will likely never open again. I am not brave enough to take a picture of what has now spilled out of closets and file cabinets to corners of rooms and stair wells. I laughed at the reference to Cinderella, but not too loudly, because I too feel the pressure of time. What we suspect to be powerful and creative now may expire just as a life reaches its mortal limit. And the fear--"tears drop feet swell hairs fly"! Well might we sip tea or chai, put on music, try to sooth the savage breast. I adore this poem.

Anonymous said...

what cheerful spirit here.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Respected Dr Susan - Thank you I am smiling ..I stare back silently when I hear' Mom this was 10 years ago...shifting from our home was a real 'test ..even after leaving heaps of ... stuff... I still find more around me...life is like this..and we have been taking 'tea breaks' to relax ...

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

bless you,
keep finding leeway to survive.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Pamela

Anonymous said...

a strong write.
good luck....

do visit your comment makers so that they feel good visiting.

Anonymous said...

excellent spirit.

Myrna R. said...

I can definitely relat to this. Lovely write.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Myrna

Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...


Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton said...


this is for week 81,
keep it up.

Anonymous said...

amazing one.

Anjum Wasim Dar said...

Thank you Pat-Mather